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Lego Star Wars Ace Assault 2

Juega en Lego Star Wars Ace Assault 2


Clasificación: 4.9
Lego Star Wars Ace Assault 2 it's the second Lego game Lego Star Wars Ace Assault with 3D unity spaceships and planets.

Lego Star Wars Ace Assault 2 it's the second Lego game Lego Star Wars Ace Assault with 3D unity spaceships and planets.

Lego Star Wars Ace Assault 2 it's the second Lego game Lego Star Wars Ace Assault with 3D unity spaceships and planets. Prove your skills and improve them in this intense war game. Test your pilot driving skills and fight to become the best in the galaxy. Use arrow keys to control and move the spaceships. Use arrow keys to balance and steer the spaceships. And shoot other spaceships using the space bar. Amazing Pilot a ship and fight dangerous opponents in a space battle for life or death. Have fun with this Lego challenge and good luck with all the missions.

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