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Ship Simulator 2019

Juega en Ship Simulator 2019


Clasificación: 3.8
Ship Simulator 2019 allows you to explore the open seas while transporting goods from one location to another.

Have you ever wondered what it is like to set sail on the open seas? Ship Simulator 2019 lets you do just that and more. Get ready to set sail on the open seas while transporting huge cargoes. Make sure you don't flip over the ship or that you don't run out of fuel in the middle of the ocean. Follow the map to find your way to the destination. Along the way, you'll be able to collect fuel to refill your tank. Do you think you have what it takes to complete this job?
  • Good looking graphics
  • Realistic controls
  • 10 levels

Fecha de lanzamiento: October 2019

Desarrolladora: Ship Simulator 2019 fue desarrollado por CoolMathGamesKids
