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Traffic Slam 3

Juega en Traffic Slam 3


Clasificación: 3.9
Welcome fans of driving! Vitality Games prepared for you Traffic Slam 3 game. Destroy your damage record with the ultimate Traffic Slam!

Welcome fans of driving! Vitality Games prepared for you Traffic Slam 3 game. Destroy your damage record with the ultimate Traffic Slam!

Traffic Slam 3 is a car game that is going to keep you at the edge of your seat.
In this game, you get to drive through the streets, jump off ramps, and perform crazy physics-defying stunts. Be careful though, your car does take damage! There'll be various power-ups you can pick up, such as nitro, make sure you keep an eye out for them. Traffic Slam 3 offers you some pretty spectacular driving sessions and if you are a fan of driving games you should not miss out on this title!
For even more free games check out our games categories! We have thousands of free computer games that you can play right now, and we add new ones every day!
  • Good looking 3D graphics
  • Fast-paced gameplay
  • Destructible cars
  • Easy to learn and play

Fecha de lanzamiento: February 2013

Desarrolladora: Traffic Slam 3 fue desarrollado por Juegos Juegos

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